Did Noah’s Generation Have Flood Insurance?

Did Noah’s Generation Have Flood Insurance?

The Bible tells us about a man named Noah. Although Noah and his family were righteous, the others of that generation were evil. G-d told Noah that because of the rampant wickedness, He would bring a tremendous flood to the world. At that time, there was no such thing as flood insurance coverage. Nevertheless, the population could have saved themselves, if only they would have changed their ways.

12 Intriguing Facts about the Most Devastating Deluge

Before visiting the flood upon humanity, G-d commanded Noah to construct a sheltering ark for himself and his family. He was to build it in the public view little by little over the course of many years. This was G-d’s way of giving mankind the opportunity to find out about the impending deluge and the chance to repent. Upon completion, the ark was 300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide and 30 cubits high and was composed of 3 stories.

Noah was 600 years old when G-d commanded him and his family to leave his home, enter the ark and allow entrance to a selection of animals.It was in the season that we now call fall that the flood began. Not only did the heavens send heavy rains down, but the bowels of the earth released torrents of storming scalding water that destroyed everything in its track.

The barrage of rain lasted for 40 days and 40 nights, blanketing the entire earth, rising increasingly above the ground, covering the tallest mountain peaks.As G-d sustained those within the ark, all living beings on the land and vegetation were destroyed.Noah and his family begged G-d for an end to the storm that consistently rocked their boat.After 7 months of this existence, the ark landed atop the mounts of Ararat.The waters gradually receded. First, the mountain peaks became visible. Forty days later, Noah sent off a raven through the ark’s window. The raven circled the ark and returned for food because the land was still full of water.

Noah soon afterwards sent a dove forth. The dove found no place to rest and returned. Seven days later, Noah sent the dove out once more. This time, the dove returned in the evening with a sign of promise:  a fresh olive leaf within its beak.After 7 more days, Noah again sent the dove out. This time, the dove did not return. Noah now knew that the earth had dried and was suitable for inhabitance.G-d promised Noah that never again would He utterly afflict the world like this again because of mankind’s sins.  The everlasting sign of this covenant is the rainbow.

At Custodian Life Assurance, we are passionate about the insurance we sell, we’re also intent in helping you understand your needs and insurance policy options, enabling you to become the educated consumer that is proactive about your own protection.  

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