Somedays It's Hard To Find Motivation, Somedays Motivation Finds You


Somedays It's Hard To Find Motivation. Somedays Motivation Finds You.

-Some days we feel like Paul: we just want to write letters hand encourage our friends.

-Some days we feel like Peter: we just want to give up and run away.

-Some days we feel like Job: we just want to die and end the pain.

-Some days we feel like Solomon: we just want help making decisions.

-Some days we feel like Jonah: we just want to run away from our responsibilities.

-Some days we feel like Moses: we fear, we don't know what to say.

-Some days we feel like Sarah: we are sad because of an impossible situation.

-Some days we feel like the Good Samaritan: we just want to do something good for someone, no matter who.

-Some days we feel like Joshua and Caleb; ready to fight.

-Some days we feel like Jeremiah: we want to say how we feel.

-Some days we feel like Daniel: we want to supplicate fervourously.

-Some days we would prefer to hide in caves like Elijah.

-Some days we want to sing and dance like David and Miriam.

-Some days we want to cry like Hannah.

-Some days we have the faith of Abraham; to conquer everything, jump walls, defeat armies.

-Some days we raise up our eyes and ask; 'where is my help?'

-In all of these, it doesn't mean we are weak or strong. It means that we are just humans with limitations.

-However you are feeling today, remember that God is with you. He loves you very much; always and unconditionally ...

- Somedays It's Hard To Find Motivation. Somedays Motivation Finds You.

 Therefore don't give up; keep pushing




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